Emotional Release

Amazing Experience

Amazing experience that brought much peace to my soul. I&

Pain Management, Neuropathy, 0verall Wellness

Today I took the day off of exercise and ventured

On Cloud Nine

Awesome experience! This will now be a part of my

Carpal Tunnel

One of the greatest experiences I have had in a

Pain Relief

I’ve undergone multiple Harmonic Egg sessions, and each one

From Suicidal to Thriving

“If you want to change your life, just go and

The Joy of Walking Pain-Free

I slept well the first night and every day since.

Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, A Great Deal of Help, Support, and Healing in the Right Direction!

“First let me say, Gail Lynn is the best! Her

UN -Stuck My Thoughts and Let It Flow

I can't wait to get back to the

Multiple Sclerosis, Saving Grace

I was newly diagnosed with MS and stumbled across one