Harmonic Egg

Addiction Recovery

Golden Age Healing Arts is a place of gentle healing.

Great Experience, Relaxation

The Harmonic Egg sessions are such a great experience. I

ADD / ADHD, Rested, Refreshed

I love coming here to relax. I typically move a

Rabbits Love Egg!

I had a remote session with Harmonic Egg and it

Harmonic Egg Convergence

After having several sessions in the Harmonic Egg, I realized

Human-Dog Bond

My Dog’s Eye Disease Improved Through Me I have

Calmer, Allergies Gone

Bangkok, 16 June 2024 - Working with Lulu remotely (as

Calming Stress Release...Healing Journey

I have had 3 sessions so far with the Harmonic

Release Anger and Ascend

Part two of my Vitality Room experiences! In my EMDR

Trauma Healing, Diminished Anxiety, Release of Anger

The vitality room has worked WONDERS for me! Every single