Brain Support

Amazing Mental Clarity, What I have been looking for my entire life!

After only 3 sessions I have the most amazing mental

Profound sense of calm, relaxing sleep

My curiosity was aroused by a pamphlet I noticed in

Sensory for 4 year old. Meditation and Energy Tremendously Improved!

"So far I have had 3 sessions at the


"As a chronic migraine sufferer for many years, I&

PTSD, Anxiety

"I visited the egg to alleviate my PTSD and

PTSD, Anxiety

"I visited the egg to alleviate my PTSD and

Pain relief, rejuvenation, healing, alertness

"I’ve been wanting to try the Harmonic Egg

Reduced pain, improved focus, and social skills.

"Physically, I have needed relief from an auto-immune disorder

Relaxation and pain relief through remote sessions

"My first Harmonic Egg session was done in person.

Alleviated wheezing effectively.

"I have been getting harmonic egg treatments, a week