Relaxation and pain relief through remote sessions

"My first Harmonic Egg session was done in person. Since I was so relaxed during and after the session, I wasn’t sure how a distance session would feel. I sat in my comfortable chair and put on my headset and played the Harmonic Egg music that I purchased. Jean texted that she prepared the Harmonic Egg with my photo and and reminded me of my intention. I started my music. Immediately I felt myself relaxing and sinking into my chair. I was as relaxed as I was in my in-person session. I lost track of all time. The music ended and I slowly opened my eyes. After the session I felt as relaxed as my in-person session. The relaxation lasted several days. I highly recommend a distance session if you can’t make it to the Center. My aches subsided and I was very relaxed for several days. Thank you, Jean!"