Illness & Disease

Resonant Frequency Therapies for Illness & Disease

Removal of Braces pain

So, a young lady got her braces off this week.

Helping our little furry friend!

My dog fell in the spring and injured his back

Back pain, emotional release, and social anxieties

I have been going to the Harmonic Egg for 5

I am a believer and I wasn’t sure before going in….

I can’t really put into words adequately what I

Birth Trauma

As most of my friends know shortly before Elsbeth was

Recurring Headaches Gone After One Session

I had the harmonic egg experience almost 3 weeks ago.

Harmonic Egg and Post Covid

In the weeks following a Corona booster more than a

Pain Relief

The first time I had a session in the egg

Fibromyalgia , Migraines, emotional stress, PTS , Trauma resolution.

I have had complex body pain and symptoms for years.

PTS, Long Covid

have been working with Mara and the Harmonic Egg for