Safety, balance, breakthrough

I was a little skeptical about the egg, but as Claire was behind it, I felt encouraged to approach it with an open mind.

Firstly the egg itself. It’s not at all claustrophobic. The egg is light and spacious and the door is slightly open for ventilation. The seat rotates in degrees, from vertical to flat and is very comfortable, leaving you relaxed and ready to enjoy the experience.

The lighting and music choices vary, according to your needs but they promote a feeling of safety and well-being. The music lasts for 40 mins, followed by 10 minutes of silent reflection. I’ve never been able to meditate (despite many attempts) but I found myself sinking into a state of balance, where my thoughts were lucid and fluid and very connected. I felt truly liberated. My overall mood improved, I felt happy.

I have now had 5 sessions and will return for more. The egg for me has been a breakthrough. I have followed up on the thought patterns I’ve had and that I believe is the journey and the road to change. The egg is a catalyst, not the entire solution, but if you embrace it and allow your mind to react and reset, it is a vital element of the process and will help you mend. I’d recommend this to anyone with an open mind who feels the need to search their soul. Ed James - Newcastle