Pain relief using sound and light

“I cannot believe it but I awoke this morning completely free of back pain for the first time in three months after my first treatment yesterday. I have had episodic low back pain for eight years due to a bulging disc and most recently have had pain that has lasted continuously for 12 weeks, the longest bout ever. I have tried Western medicine (anti-inflammatories, muscles relaxants), Eastern medicine (acupuncture, cupping, moxa), alternative hands on-therapies (chiropractic, Feldenkais, craniosacral, Reiki), yet none has brought more than temporary relief. Mornings are the worst and each day I awaken very stiff and sore, which gradually lessens but never completely resolves. This morning there is no pain whatsoever. I have forgotten what it is like to be free of pain.” Terry Grossman, M.D.