It was heaven and 24 hours later I’m still feeling the benefits.

Harmonic Egg Newcastle - Over 24 hours have past since I visited Claire and embraced the harmonic egg therapy experience. This therapy experience is something you don’t realise you needed until you experience it.

Claire was wonderful from the start, made me feel comfortable and listened intently to what has been happening to me the past few months, which led me to try this type of therapy. In short, to say I’ve tried a few different treatments and therapies is an understatement, so when I met with Claire I didn’t know what to expect, but was intrigued. After explaining my diagnosis and discussing my life stresses, I entered the egg…at first it took me around 10 minutes for my mind to be still and live in the moment.

My egg experience was to help reset my autonomic nervous system. I sat on the most comfortable chair with a cosy blanket. Inside the egg I was surrounded by relaxing music in green and blue lighting. It’s difficult to explain what happened in 50 minutes and I don’t want to give too much away when I was in there, but I did go into a complete state of deep relaxation …It was heaven and 24 hours later I’m still feeling the benefits. If, like me, you’ve been battling a life of more stress than the normal. I would highly recommend the harmonic egg…even a little bonus of meeting and talking to Claire you will leave feeing you’ve accomplished something and you’ve made a positive step in healing. Julia ~ Gateshead